Monday, December 7, 2020

My Corona, a Matter of Time, What a World


I can't help but think of the old song, My Sharona, anytime anyone mentions COVID-19 as the Corona virus - I've taken the liberty of highlighting some of the key parts on the old song...
Ooh, my little pretty one, my pretty one
When you gonna give me some time, Corona
M-m-m-my Corona
Close enough to look in my eyes, Corona
Is it just a matter of time, Corona?
Is it d-d-destiny, d-destiny
Or is it just a game in my mind, Corona?
Is it just a matter of time, Corona?
Is it, indeed, just a matter of time? My family and I have all had it, and hope to not get it again, but who knows? Who knows anything anymore? Where can one turn for credible and accurate data? Certainly not the Internet. I think Corona is more of a sorceress,  and evil sorceress...
I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog too!
 Although, having the virus, it felt more like...
ARRRRRGH! — YOU CURSED BRAT! LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE! I'm MELTING! Melting! Oh — what a world, what a world! Who would have thought a good little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness?! ARRRRRGH! I'm gone! I'm gone! I'm going!
I hope all of you have a super week, and month, and happy holidays!
Good luck out there! Stay safe!