Saturday, May 11, 2013

LDStorymakers Day 2

Some excellent workshops, especially on taxes.  It was a good day, but the most important thing, my good friend, Nikki Trionfo won the Grand Prize for the First Chapter Contest... some pretty cool swag - Alphasmart NEO2 and “Get Out of The Slush Pile Free” Card for Deseret Book, Covenant, and Cedar Fort, Inc. - Nice job, Nikki, and well-deserved!


Nikki Trionfo said...

So good to see you!! I'm glad you came down for the conference. Thanks for all your support even though I've been off-the-map forever. You were my first hug post-win. Aw. Say hello to your wife for me. And lets start a email writing group. We'll see if I can be a bit more faithful . . . .

PrinceofDarkness said...

Cody and me are tracking....I'll send you an update... Congrats again...